Friday, January 1, 2010

Yes Pictures

I just found out how to upload pictures so there for i can put up anime for you guise so here is the first one and its called "Grimjows IQ Test" from BLEACH.

It's Complicated

Oh i just watched the most funniest movie ever yet it even made me cry. It's Complicated is a movie about a divorced couple that have tree kids and one getting married. The couple met up in New York your there sons graduation and end up doing "business". The ex-couple end up having a affair because the husband is also remarried to a younger women who looks she could be a villain on Star Track. This movie is a funny, ex-citing, and heart warming.

Ouran High School: WE WANT NEW SEASON!!!

Uh another year with no sign of a new season of Ouran High School. I cant believe they wont create a new season but, people always say that it takes a long time to get a season running. But i guess I'm just whining.